Joe Biden Gets Schooled

Joe Biden’s policies are bad news for students and parents. His platform is filled with promises to shovel more money toward a broken education system that fails millions of kids — and would shut off programs that give families the freedom to send their kids to better schools.

School choice is one of the most important issues for American families and future generations. Yet on point after point, Biden has made clear he wants to restrict choice and repeal programs that work.
  – Voucher Programs. Biden says he opposes any plan that lets students pay for private school using the money that would have been spent on their public school — which is called a voucher. He has already promised to end one voucher system in D.C., the Opportunity Scholarship Program, which overwhelmingly benefits Black and Hispanic students.

– Charter Schools. Biden didn’t mince words: “I am not a charter school fan.” Yet charter schools — which are public schools that have the freedom to innovate — have been proven to work, especially for students from low-income communities and urban areas.

– Scholarship Programs. The Biden-Sanders unity platform explicitly opposes the creation of tax credit scholarships, which encourage people to make donations that help kids attend better schools. Once again, these programs work for the neediest students.

– Education Savings Accounts. The Biden-Sanders platform also opposes letting families set up a tax-deductible account to help pay for schooling costs and learning materials. Biden is against giving families even a little control over their kids’ education.
What do Biden’s education policies have in common? They are exactly what teachers unions want. The unions fear any competition which could make them look bad or force larger reforms to the traditional schooling model. 

Biden’s positions are similar in another way, too: They would hurt countless kids who couldn’t get the world-class education they deserve. America deserves better than more of the failing educational status quo.

→ Read more: Deroy Murdock: Biden stands in the schoolhouse door on educational choice (Fox News)

→ Read more: The year of school choice (Wall Street Journal)

Biden’s Bad Plan for American Energy

In Pennsylvania this week, Joe Biden asked: “Do I look like a radical socialist?” The better question is whether the socialists who are gaining power in the Democratic Party are exerting a greater influence on Biden’s platform. The answer is clearly yes.

Since Biden was in Pennsylvania to talk about energy policy, it’s worth starting there.

– Fracking. Which Joe Biden should Americans believe on fracking: the one who said he’d “make sure it’s eliminated” and agreed with the socialist Bernie Sanders that it should be banned, saying “no more”? Or the Biden who now says the opposite

It’s telling that Kamala Harris, his VP pick, favors the total fracking ban that’s part of the Green New Deal. So do the socialist activists who increasingly dominate the Democratic Party. It’s hard to see Joe Biden standing up to them, especially since he’s already caved to their demands to move further left.

– Green New Deal. Joe Biden avoids saying he supports the Green New Deal demanded by the Democratic Party’s most radical wing. But activists and journalists have spent months pointing out that Biden’s energy plan is the Green New Deal in all but name.

It’s true: Biden’s $2 trillion plan would raise electricity prices on families, dole out untold billions of dollars in corporate welfare to politically-favored energy companies, and put America back in the Paris Climate Accord — hurting our economy while strengthening adversaries like China. No matter what he calls it, Biden’s energy plan is a raw deal for Americans.

When Joe Biden was vice president to Barack Obama, they enacted some of the most economically harmful energy policies in American history. Four years later, the Democratic Party is even more extreme on energy, and Biden is set to go with the radical flow. The losers will be the millions of Americans who could soon be paying more, losing jobs, and facing blackouts.

→ Read more: Biden’s confusing stand on fracking (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

→ Read more: California’s blackouts expose Biden-Harris and the Green New Deal (Real Clear Energy)

Reforms, Not Riots and Rage

Boiling point in America? Rage over racism, police brutality - The Debate
Yesterday we told you about the angry social justice protesters confronting Republican politicians. These screaming crowds ignore the fact that GOP elected officials are pushing for real police reforms — and liberal politicians are standing in the way of progress.

Take the case of Senator Rand Paul. 

After the Kentucky Republican and his wife left the Republican National Convention last week, they were surrounded and verbally assaulted, while police protected them from physical violence. The protesters demanded that Sen. Paul “say her name,” a reference to Breonna Taylor, a Kentuckian who was killed by police who entered her home using a no-knock warrant.

What the protesters missed is that Sen. Paul has introduced legislation to ban no-knock warrants. He wrote his bill after talking with Breonna’s family. Yet Democrats in the Senate refuse to let such reform legislation move forward.

Then there’s Senator Tim Scott. 

The South Carolina Republican introduced police reform legislation in June. His bill focuses on transparency, recruiting minorities into law enforcement, increasing funding for and usage of body-worn cameras, requiring states to use prior performance records in hiring police officers, and implementing de-escalation training, among other ideas worth considering.

To date, the bill hasn’t even come up for debate — because 45 Senate Democrats voted no on a measure to bring the legislation to the Senate floor. Despite spending months saying that America needed to have a conversation about police reform, when that moment arrived, Democrats refused to let a single word be said.

This puts a new perspective on the rage and riots. It’s not about justice or reforms or solutions; it’s about political power and control. Anyone who is serious about moving America forward should be furious at the Democrats who are holding America back.

→ Read more: Sen. Rand Paul: I was “attacked by an angry mob” (Louisville Courier Journal)

→ Read more: An evening stroll with Black Lives Matter (Wall Street Journal)

The Chaos Continues

Riots continue in US as Trump vows to end the violence | The North West  Star | Mt Isa, QLD
Will it ever end? Riots and violence continued to spill into America’s city streets over the weekend. In Portland, a violent confrontation left one person dead. Two police officers were shot in Chicago; another two officers were shot in St. Louis

The deadly weekend follows one of the most violent weeks since widespread riots started this spring. The dust is settling in Kenosha, Wisconsin, following multiple nights of chaos. After local police shot a black man during an altercation that’s still under investigation, rioters quickly took to the streets. Multiple people were shot and dozens of businesses were set on fire. The small Wisconsin town is reeling from the destruction.

Meanwhile, on the final night of the Republican National Convention, angry protesters swarmed attendees as they departed the White House grounds. At least one person was punched and Members of Congress were viciously harassed, before protesters started fighting with the police. Once again, the nation’s capital was beset by violence.

The chaos is now so out of control that some Democrats are starting to condemn it. Yet, rather than take responsibility for local leaders’ failure to enforce order and protect public safety, most Democrats are blaming the administration. Never mind that virtually every city with major riots is run by liberals.

As the madness continues, tens of million of Americans are watching and wondering: When will the people we elect to protect us start doing their job? If they don’t get the message, politicians need to be sent a much stronger one at the ballot box.

→ Read more: Rioters, looters could lose unemployment benefits under new bill (New York Post)

→ Read more: CNN mocked for calling Kenosha riots ‘fiery but mostly peaceful protests’ (Newsweek)

What We’re Reading This Weekend

As we enjoy the final weeks of summer, we’re taking some time to relax and catch up on our reading. We hope you will too!

→ Read this: Portland mayor gets fed up with violent protests: ‘Enough is enough’ (Washington Times)

→ Read this: Anti-cop rioting devastates the very communities it pretends to defend (New York Post)

→ Read this: Sorry ‘factchecker,’ Nikki Haley is right — Obama sent Iran a planeload of cash (National Review)

→ Read this: The fires of Kenosha (Wall Street Journal)

→ Read this: Chinese dissident: ‘The CCP is an enemy of humanity’ (Washington Free Beacon)

How To Build A Booming Economy

Conservative policies are best for working families. Ambassador Haley made that clear in her RNC speech on Monday: “Before Communist China gave us the coronavirus, we were breaking economic records left and right.”

Before the pandemic hit, the last four years saw a strong economy across the board. Historic tax cuts, record red tape slashing, and unleashing American energy — the combination of common-sense policies created an economy that worked for everyone.
  – Jobs. The national unemployment rate hit a 50-year low. Women’s unemployment hit a 67-year low. For Hispanics and African Americans, unemployment reached their lowest levels in history. People of all backgrounds were climbing the ladder of opportunity.

Wages. Workers of all kinds saw their incomes rise at the fastest rate in a decade. Lower-income workers saw the largest wage gains, with paychecks for the bottom 10% growing more than twice as fast as they did in Obama’s second term.

Tax relief. The tax cuts of 2017 put more money in the pockets of hard-working Americans. Some of the biggest relief went to low- and middle-income families — those earning between $25,000 and $100,000. Millions got bonuses and wage hikes, too.

Stocks. The markets hit record highs, creating trillions of dollars in new wealth for retirees, pension plan holders, and middle-class families that scraped together the money to invest.
The economic boom was felt in every corner of America. Manufacturers made new investments, the nation’s small businesses saw record optimism, and more. Families and workers have seen remarkable benefits, making communities and the country better off.

On Monday, Amb. Haley said: “The pandemic has set us back, but not for long.” Conservative policies brought the economy back before. They can bring it back again.

→ Read more: Remember the Trump economy? (Wall Street Journal)

→ Read more: Full speech: Amb. Haley’s remarks on capitalism (Hudson Institute)  

Joe Biden Will Lead From Behind

The last four years have seen a renewal of American leadership on the world stage. Yet as Ambassador Haley said in her RNC keynote speech on Monday, this is not the time to return to an Obama/Biden foreign policy. As she put it, those were the bad days of “weakness and failure.”

What would a Joe Biden foreign policy look like? Based on his history, he would leave America less safe and secure, turn against our allies, empower our enemies, and ignore our values.
  – China. Joe Biden spent more than 45 years in public office failing to stand up to the world’s largest communist country, even as it gained power and grew more threatening to America. On trade, defense, and human rights, he routinely refused to make the case for our vital national security interests. 

  ISIS. Joe Biden was Vice President when ISIS emerged, following the Obama administration’s decision to basically abandon Iraq. The terrorist group carved out a caliphate across the Middle East, beheading Americans along the way.

Israel. Joe Biden supported the Obama administration’s efforts to sideline and punish Israel, one of America’s closest allies. When he was VP, the U.S. led the U.N. to condemn Israel — and then abstained instead of vetoing the shameful move.

Iran. Joe Biden was one of the biggest cheerleaders for the Iran nuclear deal, even though it failed to permanently stop the regime’s nuclear ambitions, endangered America’s allies and interests, and enabled Iran to strengthen support for terrorist proxies like Hezbollah.
The list goes on. Biden opposed the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden. More recently, he opposed the attack that killed Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, the terrorist mastermind who was responsible for the death of American troops. Time and again, Biden has been on the wrong side of America’s biggest foreign policy questions.

On Monday, Amb. Haley said that “Joe Biden is good for Iran and ISIS, great for Communist China, and he’s a godsend to everyone who wants America to apologize, abstain, and abandon our values.” The American people deserve better than that.

→ Read more: Elites yearn for a restoration abroad under Biden (Wall Street Journal)

→ Read more: “Proud to cast the American veto”: Nikki Haley paves the way for a post-Trump foreign policy (Washington Examiner)

Message from Nikki Haley

Tonight I will be at the Republican National Convention speaking about the promise of America’s future. I hope you will tune in to watch.

This is an important time for America. We have a choice about the direction we want to take our country.

Will we continue to stand up for freedom in the world and against our enemies? Or will America go back to the old ways of the Obama-Biden administration in making deals with tyrants? 

Will we stand with our allies like we did when we moved the U.S. embassy to Israel’s true capital — Jerusalem? Or will we sit back and allow other countries to humiliate Israel at the UN? 

Will we get our economy back on track? Or will we revert to failed liberal policies of raising taxes and increasing job-killing government regulations?

Will we continue to be the freest and most prosperous country in the history of the world? Or will we follow Pelosi, Sanders, and the Squad down the path of socialism?

I will be speaking about all of these important topics and more tonight.

Make sure to follow me and SFA on social media for updates during the convention.

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My very best,

Nikki Haley

100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment

Our nation may be divided about a lot of things, but it’s good to focus on the celebrations that bring us together. This week, that’s the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote. 

Ambassador Haley wrote a forward for a new book published by the Independent Women’s Forum (IWF) called “The Women Who Won the Vote.” The book tells the story of 12 women who made the 19th Amendment possible. Some are famous like Susan B. Anthony and Sojourner Truth. Others are lesser known, but deserve to be just as famous. They include Therese Jenkins, the first woman to serve as a delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1892, and Jeannette Rankin, the first woman to serve in Congress.

Here is a short snippet of Amb. Haley’s forward: The women of the suffrage movement show us a better way. They saw major flaws in the country, but their answer was to fix those flaws, not break everything else. They did the hard work of convincing others and bringing them along (or to their side). Ultimately, they embraced America instead of rejecting it. That should be our model as we work together to make these United States more free, more just, and more equal for all.

America isn’t perfect. But the principles at the heart of America are. Our job today is to follow in the footsteps of the suffragettes, and all who’ve poured their hearts into making our country’s promises a reality. One of the best ways we can do that is by using the very thing that the suffragettes fought to give us. It’s up to us to vote.  → Watch more: The history of the 19th Amendment (The History Channel)

→ Watch more: Nikki Haley remarks at the Susan B. Anthony gala (C-SPAN)

What We’re Reading This Weekend

As we enjoy the final weeks of summer, we’re taking some time to relax and catch up on our reading. We hope you will too!

→ Read this: U.S. to suspend bilateral agreements with Hong Kong (Washington Free Beacon)

→ Read this: History keeps proving John Kerry wrong (National Review

→ Read this: Democratic senator wants airplane emission limits in pandemic relief bill (Washington Examiner)

→ Read this: Sen. Rick Scott: Biden vs. Trump on China — candidates’ records lay out clear choice for voters (Fox News)

→ Read this: Ending filibuster, as Dems vow, would push U.S. far left (Real Clear Politics)

→ Read this: Trump announces ‘snapback’ of sanctions on Iran (The Hill